Petrol Head Parenting By Ant Anstead & Noah Elias (US Only)
This beautifully crafted children's book is dedicated to those kids who just LOVE cars! It’s in their blood, and they are simply born a "Petrol Head".
Being a "Petrol Head" is like an illness for which there is no cure! And there are parents all over the world that care for these "poorly" kids with no guidance on how to cater for them.
The book is the essential guide.
It places the parent in the role of the doctor first helping diagnose the patient. Once a diagnosis is established it guides the parent through the essentials, including some basic engineering, some ideas of car-focused activities, like road trips, and even tips on how to build a soapbox!
This book boasts over 20 illustrations from The Kid in Me™. It’s colorful, fun and most of all a celebration of cars and how these amazing machines bring people together and create lasting memories and lifelong relationships!
An essential must-read for any child that makes a car sound, builds a car, draws a car or looks longingly at that gleaming vehicle as it passes us by.